
Let me tell you a true story about a good friend – we’ll call him Bill.

Bill reached a senior management level on the scale of corporate hierarchy. He always took his job seriously and put everything into it. Work always took over his life. It would come first before sleep, food and even family. The laptop would travel on holidays and a couple of hours a day would be assigned to working. It kept Bill ‘sane’.

Gradually Bill was heading for what we know today as ‘burn-out’.


He had all the symptoms: constantly tired, headaches, lower immunity catching cold and flu more often. No sleep, no motivation, no way out… The higher he was on his career ladder the lower he was getting in himself.

In the end, he hit the hard bottom. A dark, lonely and cold place with no light, no hope, nothing _____


Luckily Bill wasn’t alone. With his wife’s support, he made the big decision: he quit the job. With the time that he now had, he went on ‘Highland Hack’ – a creative walking journey through the Scottish Highlands for business leaders – organised by The Fresh Air Learning Company.

Fresh, clean Scottish air, beautiful weather, open space and fascinating walking companions. A great mix of ingredients aimed at helping business leaders clarify and simplify some of the big challenges in their lives.


The Highland Hack was supremely well organised and executed by Dave Stewart, founder and Managing Director of The Fresh Air Learning Company. During the walking journey, Bill was able to engage with the Fresh Air Learning team and walking companions in different ways. His mood began to lighten and he opened up to fresh perspectives on his situation. With expert support from coach Andy Ferguson, Bill began to see a way forward.

Four days after Bill returned, he announced to his family that he was taking coaching with Andy. That was an enormous step for Bill and all his own decision.

And so it started: Bill’s recovery!

Andy’s initial coaching lasted 3 months. Mostly over the phone, with a 1 to 1 all-day session at both the beginning and the end of the programme. What you also have to know is that as much as Andy was the key to Bill’s healing, it was Bill who had to do the work. And man, did he apply himself to it. He read, made notes, drew graphs and went back through them to embed the new concepts in his day to day life. He talked to his wife who as a bi-product was learning new things too.

Today Bill is 3 months into his new life. He set up his own consultancy business. He spends more time with his kids and doesn’t bite his wife’s head off every time they speak. Instead, they can have light conversation and a giggle. Bill is heading towards happiness.


In conclusion, if you have burn-out symptoms then do something about it. Seek help. Speak to Dave Stuart, look for a coach like Andy Ferguson or John Owen. They all come highly recommended.

For more information on The Fresh Air Learning Company see: http://freshairlearning.com/

For more information on Andy Ferguson at OnlyOneIntention see: http://www.onlyoneintention.com/